Now that we are one step away from entering the last month of the year, it has occurred to us that you can start thinking about how to redecorate your home. In an exquisite mix of past trends with innovative designs of today, the strongest theories about decoration appear in the year 2022. That is why we have decided to bring you this complete article and some ideas so that you can start the magic of change.

In Martinica Collection we invest 12 hours, analyze more than 25 Internet sites and consult the opinion of more than 30 users to bring you this next year’s trends. We hope you enjoy it and that you jump into the exciting world of interior design at once. We assure you, not only professionals can create the most beautiful environments.

What have we discovered?

Well, trends are cyclical. Next year, retro atmospheres, full of colors and committed to the environment, will become fashionable again. Come on, what they told us about the 60 ‘. It is true that some more modern styles will also be combined, but we will have wood, plants and geometric prints once again.

Wood and iron furniture

The light woods have been left behind and the dark and imperfect tones take their place. In this way, there is a reconnection with nature and the passion for manual carving of objects. Likewise, materials such as iron, brass and bronze will occupy a privileged space in the decoration, creating imperfect and even somewhat rustic environments, but very attractive and differentiating.

Bamboo, stone, leather and clay are other materials that will reach the home. Among them, good combinations are created between the old and the modern, the natural and the artificial, in 2021 and 2022. Don’t you think so?


After the pandemic it was obvious that we would be saturated with everything we found at home. Therefore, the trends indicate that we will work to create minimalist environments, with few objects in each room and perfectly arranged to create environments of peace and tranquility. Teleworking is here to stay, so do not forget to leave a small space as an office, in harmony with the home decoration.

The idea is that a single object can have multiple functions and the same space can serve for different actions. For example, at Martinica Collection we have the TRIPITAKA basket, useful to use as a magazine rack, place flowers, make-up or travel souvenirs; the KI sideboard that serves both to store things and to place others on top; or the KIKAI bench, to sit on or to decorate. Check out all the possibilities that our furniture offers you in the Martinica Collection Shop.

Secret nature

Plants hold many secrets. Apart from providing us with essential substances, its aura can help create a welcoming, natural, spacious environment in tune with our internal balance. Plants bring unique warmth, spirituality and well-being to the home.

Sustainability is an essential element in decoration for the year 2022. That is why not only plants, but also objects made of marble, clay and other natural ingredients will stand out. This is because they are more durable and environmentally friendly than others such as plastic or artificial paints.

Nordic and Japanese styles

The Japandi, which we were talking about on our blog, is the perfect combination between Asian and Western styles. Although in the year 2021 it was very fashionable, we will not let it go so easy for the next 365 days. That is, do not get rid of the decoration with natural furniture, figures and geometric prints. They will be on the home landscape in 2022!

The elegance of oriental aesthetics, specifically Japan and Scandinavian decorating methods, combine divinely. The timelessness and unique value of his pieces create spaces that are impossible to reproduce as is. Each one is infused with their passion for life and personal meaning. In well-ordered spaces of traditional origin, we can find everything we need.

Ethnic ornaments

The traditional has to be inserted into the modern world without losing its essence. At Martinica Collection we have a doctorate in this, because we know the implicit value that oriental pieces bring when we place them in the West. Interior trends seek to achieve that natural and traditional feeling in modern environments, connected with ancestors and their culture.

Handmade ornaments will also be very well received. Users consider them to be sustainable luxuries, supporting both a disadvantaged community and their own interests. These objects generally contain serenity and a lot of imagination. You will notice how the vibe of the home changes, as the objects maintain their identity despite the kilometers they have traveled.

Artistic zone

Although the minimalist currents will be present next year, the artistic expression will not be put aside. The colors will permeate every space in the house, especially the walls and will use geometric shapes, patterns of flowers, plants, pineapples and much more. Of course, the colors will be warm and neutral.

Undoubtedly, green will be the essential color and it is not surprising and accessories will be the main bearers of these tones. A growing commitment to the environment is appreciated and is expressed in the sustainability of the objects that we have at home. Strength, security and nature are the watchwords when decorating the home. It is all part of the rebirth we are experiencing after the pandemic.


Put your mind and body in a place that makes you feel happy. If you liked the trends, apply them. If only a few of them appeal to you, combine them with your personal interests. Trends are just that, trends. But we love that when visitors come in they do not stop praising our room. Check out our other blog posts and dare to redesign your home, based on these trends for 2022.