Painting, literature, calligraphy, music and oriental dance are recognized around the world. Just by mentioning them, very comforting sounds, images and thoughts may have come to your head. Well, oriental aesthetics is also present in home furniture.

En el ir y venir de las tendencias en decoración, siempre regresa lo bello al estilo oriental. La milenaria cultura impregna su estilo en cada pieza y no queda solo en su área geográfica, sino que se ha expandido al occidente. Hemos preparado esta pequeña guía para que conozcas más que de la estética oriental en occidente, de un estilo de vida.

“There is no such bad house that it cannot be turned into something worthwhile.”

– Elsie de Wolfe

The subject-object balance: what is oriental aesthetics

Art in Asian areas has always been shown without written laws, creation manuals or imposed rules. In reality, oriental aesthetics is the expression of human thought and style, its imperfections and its free soul. For this reason, decorative furniture is expressed through techniques that are not always perfect, but that contribute to generating a harmonious relationship between subjects and objects.

Oriental artists and creators do not seek originality in their works. On the contrary, its cultural context is quite homogeneous, but unique. They must imbue their essence in their work and ensure that future owners receive it equally. Thus, even the place where you place your furniture will channel specific energies in search of your internal well-being.

A unique aesthetic emerges from many places

From the peoples of China, Korea, Japan and Vietnam, the oriental aesthetic arises. The exchange between these Asian countries led to the birth of this style. However, Turkey, Malaysia, Jordan and the Philippines follow in their footsteps in creation and, little by little, their acceptance has spread to countries such as Iran, Syria, Egypt and Morocco. It was only a matter of time before it reached the West.

“When we empty ourselves, we are filled with everything”, profess the ancient Eastern proverbs. Eastern aesthetics have much of this phrase, in the belief that less is more. Different cultures have enclosed a taste for appreciating details, contemplating the natural as if it were seen for the first time and managing to transmit the spirit of men in their works of art.

Religion, history and creation

Asian cultures tried to leave their mark through their creations. Very linked to Taoism, Zen, Confucianism and Buddhism appear the elements of Eastern aesthetics. Before finalizing the work, they look at their ancient symbols, their traditions and rituals, to load the object with a wide emotional content.

Therefore, you have to understand Eastern aesthetics from this perspective and not omit it when taking it to the Western context. The human being is an important part so that the environment created by the furniture is positive. Oriental decoration represents natural harmony for your spaces, because the soul of beings, their nucleus, effort and desires come from nature itself.

So … What is the use of oriental aesthetics in the West?

From the confluence of history, religion, culture and human values ​​arises the oriental aesthetic. Its use in this area or carried to the western hemisphere is marked both by the beauty of the works and by its function for men. More than aesthetically, they must be used with a practical sense and personal growth.

Trends in 2021

Eastern aesthetics have reached the West and with much more force. It is the Japandi style has mixed Japanese aesthetics with designs from Scandinavian culture. Therefore, these two geographical areas have been combined and have become perfect for home decoration.


Mainly made of wood, linen and stone, the furniture has neutral and warm colors of the oriental style and is combined with light walls and geometric shapes of the Scandinavian style. Coffee and olive green are the most common colors this year.


The popularization of oriental culture also brings with it a passion for nature, flowers, the universality of things. Subjects can be in balance with nature, from the home plane itself and under the judgment of their soul and personality.


The Japandi brings dynamism to the rooms and complicity between both decorative styles. A handmade and sometimes imperfect work, it has managed to bring feelings of spirituality, peace and internal balance to those who have brought this style to their home.


Eastern aesthetics have migrated to Western culture, leaving their own soul, history and customs implicit. To the subject, the objects of oriental decoration may seem distant at times. However, more than decorative they have become part of the positive atmosphere of the home. Bringing the furniture of the oriental culture to the common space, we build an environment full of energy and in constant relationship with nature and our inner self.