Customer shopping experiences change every day. In the 21st century, there is a commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals and, therefore, a concern for the environment and the saving of natural resources. All this translates into personalized furniture, handmade and with less contamination than during the serial production of furniture.

How is handcrafted wooden furniture made?

If you are a lover of interior decoration or you dedicate yourself to it professionally, sometimes you will find that the furniture in stores, bazaars and shopping centers does not satisfy your desires and dreams. However, crafting furniture can be the perfect solution. Here we put at your disposal the route to bring the perfect furniture to your home.

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Measurements and design

The space you have is essential. You have probably already thought about where you want to place your wooden furniture and it is true that anywhere in the house it will give it a unique personality. However, you must take the dimensions of height, length and width of your furniture, so that it does not get in the way of people through the house or appear to have been placed by force.

Many artisans and carpenters will be encouraged to bring your design to reality, but first you must do it. Spend some time exploring handcrafted furniture online, little by little your idea will take shape. If you don’t have the skills or the tools to design it, ask someone close to you for help and create together an unprecedented piece in interior and exterior decoration.

Wood and color

When choosing the wood for our handcrafted furniture, several factors intervene. Its color, hardness, resistance and durability are just some of them. To tell you quickly, there are two large groups of wood: hard (from which the Martinique Collection furniture is made) and soft. Among the former we can recognize elm, mahogany, oak, beech and teak, while the latter include cedar, hemlock and pine and their varieties.

Each type of wood has its own characteristics and its pros and cons. In the case of hardwoods, they are more expensive, but they profess greater durability and resistance, even to fire. On the other hand, softwoods are easy to work with and look great after finishing, but their structure tends to be less resistant. Also, check online or with your manufacturer, so you can get handcrafted furniture envied by all your friends.

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The manufacture itself

Leave the furniture manufacturing to the professionals. Of course, if you are a handyman or you like DIY you can try it from the beginning by choosing excellent boards, wooden planks and work tools. Carpenters and craftsmen usually materialize your wooden furniture to order and to your measure. Handcrafted work tends to be more personalized and authentic and enhance the beauty of your furniture and décor.

Handcrafting can make your wooden furniture a bit more expensive. However, the satisfaction of bringing your own work to life is so great that it compensates for its price. Bet on unique “hand made” pieces, your craftsman will be in charge of cutting the pieces on the saw, planing the boards, cleaning them, assembling them and giving them the final finish with stain or varnish.

Warnings before handmade furniture at home

The uses that we will give to our wooden furniture can be different in each one of us. Generally, we want them to look good in any environment, but we must also take into account their resistance to constant use and inclement weather in the case of placing them outdoors. In this case, we recommend evaluating its porosity, because the less porous the wood is, the less likely it is that water will penetrate the wood, swell it and have to be replaced soon.

On the other hand, the appearance of wooden furniture must be totally flat, without pests and well polished to avoid damaging our skin. The hardness of the wood will also determine its resistance to insects and fungi and whether or not it will recover its original shape after being subjected to a significant weight such as that of a person, a television or the accumulation of objects inside. If your wood shows signs of grain or swirls in it, it is a sign that it is not very strong. Look for some with a better finish and resistance if you plan to use them in your decoration and as utility furniture.

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Finally, we want to recommend that you choose light wood furniture if you have a small space and leave dark wood furniture reserved for large spaces. If you plan to use your handcrafted furniture on a daily basis, give thicker, harder woods a try. Make your dreams come true in wood, but also guarantee the stability of your decoration and its durability. Quality and sustainability are the watchwords.

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