At Martinica Collection we believe that identity is everything and that you should decorate with enthusiasm. For this reason, today we are talking about a subject that is not new at all, but about which you may feel certain doubts. It turns out that wood, the main base of our furniture in stock, has several shades and, therefore, uses and applications. Here we want you to know the main properties and representatives of each one, in this way you can define yourself about the type of decoration you want take home.

It is also important to know that wooden furniture is not the only protagonist, some walls and floors also find their light or dark tones in wood to contribute to the final decoration at home. Choosing them wisely will help us along the way of their cleanliness, resistance and durability, but their colors will also be the protagonists of the scene.

Light wood tones

Light wood is an excellent companion for modern environments. It turns out that, with or without adequate natural lighting, these pieces of furniture alone offer a special sense of brightness and contrast around the house. The floors, platforms, walls and furniture are very clean and clear in your decoration. Of course, the contrasts you create with the colors of the house and the accessories such as cushions, vases and paintings must be special.

Light wooden furniture is very simple and sober, perhaps it looks less elegant than furniture with dark tones, but it does not lose its dynamism and good taste. To make them stand out, paint your walls with less light colors, but natural or neutral, so the contrast between them will be fabulous. This light furniture combines perfectly with minimalist and Nordic styles, characterized by large and bright spaces.

tonos de madera clara

Although they appear to be less robust, light wood is very popular, strong and well received among wooden furniture. They are resistant, versatile and widely used in rooms for the smallest of the house, providing warmth and fun. Thus, we can find light-toned woods in beams, cladding, general carpentry, wooden furniture, veneers, toys, sporting goods, tool handles and much more.

Properties of light wood

Here we want to show you some of the most important properties of the main woods with light tones:

Pine: versatile and easy to work with.

Alder: easy to glue, screw and finish.

Eucalyptus: it is very versatile and useful.

Others: Ash, Birch, Light Oak, Beech, Fir, Chestnut, Maple, Poplar, Bamboo and Holly.

Dark wood tones

Dark woods are much more elegant than light ones, but they are also used in flooring and carpentry. The combination with light and natural colors creates pleasant environments in the decoration. Something relevant is that light woods can also become woods with dark tones with varnishes and paints.

Light is essential in decorating with wooden furniture in dark tones. For them, you should place them next to some windows or with various lamps and lights that maintain lighting both day and night. You can create cozy, romantic and rustic environments with dark wooden furniture. In its carved and artisanal touch you will find the emotion and tranquility you need at home.

madera oscura

Places such as the living room and the kitchen are favored with the use of this furniture, providing simplicity and an industrial and vintage style. With it you can make tables, sideboards, decorative objects, floors and other sophisticated and rustic, both indoors and outdoors. Undoubtedly, the decoration with wooden furniture in dark tones will also be a success in the decoration of your home.

Properties of dark wood

Dark tone woods have excellent properties and uses. Meet some of its main representatives:

Ebony: dense, hard and easy to polish.

Wenge: hard and useful in the manufacture of furniture.

Black or American Walnut: strong and durable.

Rosewood: Easy to handle and use indoors and outdoors.

Others: Dark Oak, Cherry and Mahogany.


Have you already decided on one or another of the shades of wood for decoration? We know that the decision is not easy, but you can search for many combinations and ideas on the Internet and create your special atmosphere. Meanwhile, at Martinique Collection, we put at your disposal precious dark wood furniture, so that you can take the oriental essence and tranquility home.

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