While looking for inspiration to decorate your home, have you noticed the incredible combination between old and current furniture and styles? Many decorators and interior designers have opted for this excellent mix. A piece of furniture from the 50s, 60s or 70s can create unique environments in your home when combined with the decoration of 2022. That is why we want to talk to you about vintage decoration, this style that does not go out of style.

Vintage always tells a story or evokes a memory. Maybe you already have Grandma’s bedside table or the bulbless lamp that Mom left you at home, but there is such a strong bond to them that it is impossible to leave them behind. This can also come up while going to the flea market, visiting a new apartment or flipping through a magazine. There are pieces of furniture that have their own soul and for us, identity is everything.

Characteristics of vintage decoration

For these reasons, we wanted to bring you some information about vintage decoration, its most representative materials, the places to place certain furniture, the colors and accessories that will make your decor stand out and make you the envy of all your friends. But first answer us, do you already know vintage decoration at all? Do you know what you gain from its use?

Vintage furniture is that which comes from the creations of more than six decades ago or that, with incredible precision, has been reproduced today. Tables, benches, sideboards, posters, lamps… all the objects have had a use before and have been taken up again later. It is up to you to assume them in your home and combine them so that the environment is as welcoming as possible.

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Vintage objects, as we wanted to highlight in the title of this post, tell stories. This is because, over the years, they have not only acquired a monetary value, but also historical value, inspired by the souls of their owners and the fashion of each era. And yes, you may take all of that home with you, many of the vendors at flea markets and antique shops know about them and will make all the information available to you.

Vintage decoration gives a touch of strength to your home and adds a personality that will never go unnoticed, because you won’t have a mass-produced piece of furniture, but a unique one of its kind. Also, who decides what you can use it for or not. The furniture of this style is very versatile, accepts all kinds of uses and adapts to any area of ​​the house.

Materials: the more worn the better

Wood and metal are the most common materials for vintage decoration. Although it may seem strange, the more worn the objects, the more attractive and splendor they will bring to the spaces. Industrial, aged, rustic and Asian styles have nuances that easily adapt to home decor, even when only small elements of them are introduced.

The drawers, the worn wood tables, the metal lamps, the baskets to store magazines, the screens… all the old objects can come back into your life and give it a 180° turn. This furniture has been designed very originally and its materials are of the best quality. Do not hesitate to buy them and dare to combine them. If they are a little worn, repair them yourself or let your imagination run wild and give them a new use.

Colors: to make life more fun

If you have arrived at your new house and the floors still have geometric shapes, consider not replacing it with a new one, it hides much more than you think. For vintage decoration, it is also suggested that this type of pattern or one of flowers or pictures be used to cover one or several walls of the house. If so many say it, it must be true. That which recreates the natural must always return to our space to bring peace.

In such turbulent times, it is also convenient to add some colorful accessories to the decoration to create the perfect atmosphere. Advertising posters from the 50’s, typewriters, vinyl records, old clocks and many other objects from the past are always reminiscent of a specific era and you have them at your fingertips. Tell a friend, go to the market or search the Internet. Vintage makes life more fun.

colores decoración vintage

Spaces: every place deserves it

The vintage style consists of merging different styles. For this reason, any house, no matter how modern it is or uses the latest trends, benefits from this decoration. The furniture can be perfectly combined with other Nordic style objects, Japandi or any of your liking. The important thing is to create both visual and spiritual balance for your space.

The vintage decoration fits in all areas, from the hall to the bedroom and through the living room, the office, the kitchen or the bathroom. Use warm, neutral or pastel tones. All of them blend with the wood and metal of the furniture and become unforgettable. You will have a piece of history at home and an environment that is difficult for the curious to recreate.

Furniture: our main course

Sideboards, wooden benches, tables and stools give a special meaning to our spaces. Not only are they useful, but they also project an old but worked style, subtle but with a soul of its own. If you are looking to recreate the atmosphere of the past, the vintage style is for you. From Martinica Collection, we want to bring you furniture of Asian origin that, in addition, will give your home an atmosphere of relaxation and spiritual balance.

aparador martinica collection

Vintage deco in the 21st century

Go back to your story, go back to your grandparents’ house, narrate your stories as a child. Connect with your past and relive it. Maybe you don’t spend most of your day at home, or you do, but allow yourself to be content with what’s going on around you and make every piece count. May the ideas not be lacking! Get creative, decorate with emotion but without going overboard and recharging the atmosphere and above all, tell us: do you like vintage decoration?

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