Wooden furniture, since time immemorial, is an unquestionable part of home furnishings. Although many materials have tried to replace it, it is difficult to compete against the quality of wood. And you? Why have you decided to choose this furniture? Today, at Martinica Collection, we will talk to you about this transcendental and lasting decision.


When it comes to wood, there are many thicknesses, colors and types that we can use in our furniture. Many advocate that wood is a much more expensive material, however, we can find excellent and durable materials for affordable prices. Best of all, we can find natural tones and make excellent combinations of furniture and styles with wood.

  • Very durable woods: Teak, Iroko, Ukola, Walnut
  • Durable woods: Oak, Chestnut, Cedar, Beech, Mahogany
  • Medium durable woods: Fir, Pine, Cherry


As we mentioned, there is a wide variety of wood and furniture made of this material. Before choosing one, it is also necessary to look at its functionality. Thus, there are tables of various sizes, chairs, beds, cabinets, bookcases, shoe racks, benches, stools, boxes, sideboards, decorative objects and much more. Almost anything you can imagine can be made of wood and become unique and special to you.


When choosing a wooden piece of furniture, we definitely look at its resistance and the life time it has to offer us. In general, this firm and solid material is useful for almost any type of furniture and can be very thick or thin, but always resistant. Wood by itself is an excellent material, if we add some treatment to it, we will also extend its useful life and preserve its properties. Surely you keep some wooden furniture that has passed from generation to generation, restored or unrestored.

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Believe it or not, wood provides heat and regulates humidity. Choosing wooden furniture, then, can be an excellent option for spaces with a high concentration of water, such as a spa, or for very cold areas. Solid wood provides a cozy, homey and warm feeling. Do you remember the movies with wooden houses in the forest? Well, wood absorbs moisture in its pores and does not allow a hostile environment to form inside the home.


Wood is timeless, as it looks good with any style and at any time. Thanks to innovative restoration techniques, the design is like new and is used again at home. You can choose wooden furniture for your space and use it for a long time, even fifty years later, it may still be adding a vintage touch to your decor.


By choosing wooden furniture, you invest in furniture that is durable and easy to clean and maintain. This material better hides dust, scratches and stains. In our blog we have already given you some tips on how to properly clean wood, but in general it is no more difficult than using a chamois cloth and moistening it with water or vinegar. Maintaining it is not expensive either, it is part of the same cleaning routine and the use of polish. If it is in poor condition, it should also be very easy to repair.

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Wood is an exquisite material by nature, in fact, it is often its natural appearance that attracts us so much to it. Having them at home means that you will have very welcoming, pleasant, attractive spaces… in short, the envy of all your friends and family. Bet on choosing wood for your home furniture and create unique environments with natural materials. For example, Martinique Colleciton furniture is special to bring the oriental style home and combine it with industrial or vintage decorations.


Wood is a renewable material and, preferably, we will not use chemical products to treat it. Its different shades will provide us with the best and most natural contrasts. With this furniture we respect the environment, we recycle first class wood and we give a new life to our space and to the material itself. Whatever its origin, wood never goes out of style.


You and I love wood. Why shy away from it then? Choosing wood is a logical, modern, attractive and advantageous solution when furnishing our home. If it’s about making us happy, let life fill our house with wooden furniture. Martinique Collection, meanwhile, makes its furniture available to you in our online store and every week we offer you solutions and advice on your wooden furniture.

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