As if it were an adage, fashion returns every few years and combines with styles to create unprecedented pieces and currents. In the world of interior decoration, it is wood and blacksmithing that now mix and build objects that are widely accepted in our culture. From Martinica Collection, we want to talk to you about this beautiful mixture to guide you before buying your next wooden furniture.

What is blacksmithing?

This trade – or art we could also call it -, consists of the treatment of metals to give them unique and useful forms. Steel and iron are the most used materials today. They are heated to high temperatures, forged (hammered), bent, cut and joined in this process and, when cooled, are ready for use and without fear of changing their shape.

The blacksmith has long held a prestigious profession, but now his technique and skill are doubly recognized as he is provided with unique designs that he must recreate to perfection. Each style in wooden furniture is different, but those that include blacksmithing, in particular, will combine the history of wood with that of the one that forms its accessories and closures.


The style of wooden furniture

After a long day at work, the least you can get as a reward is arriving at a specially decorated and tidy home. For this reason, we have thought of recommending wooden furniture with blacksmithing. Today, they perfectly combine the vintage with the industrial style (as the decorative trends for the year 2022 promised). Comfort and elegance materialize in furniture such as:

  • Iron base beds
  • Mirror frames in wood and metal
  • Chairs and stools with iron legs
  • Decorative tables with metal
  • Sliding gates and doors with iron details
  • Shelves and wall shelves in wood and metal
  • Muchos otros 

Their uses and where to locate them

We bet that you already have a better idea about what furniture we are referring to. Actually, they are very popular to place in living rooms, bedrooms and even in the kitchen. However, some restaurants, hotels and commercial spaces have also chosen to include wood and blacksmithing among their furniture. These pieces tend to have unique, almost collectible designs that add elegance and comfort to any space where you place them.

It is true that we can find ironwork on a large scale, but also in very small details, for example, the SHESHIN Chest and the KI Sideboard from the Martinica Collection, have attractive metal closures, while the CITTA Sideboard has small metal washers to open and close your drawers. Definitely, they are essentially decorative objects, however, inside them we can place all kinds of things that help us keep the house in order.

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A perfect mix

Always betting on innovating, we combine modernity and tradition, but that offer us a clean and classy appearance. You can find online a wide variety of styles and objects with wood and blacksmithing, turned into works of art. The truth is that, on occasions, this furniture emerged as an alternative for the restoration of wooden furniture, but it has been liked so much that it has remained among everyone’s favorites.

Although it comes from a hard trade, blacksmithing has become one of the most beautiful for the embellishment and decoration of the home. Wood, with its light and dark tones, impregnates the essence of the place where it comes from, while iron or steel give it strength and durability. Together, they are the most beautiful and useful pieces of furniture in their class.


En un mismo tiempo, tenemos la dicha de coincidir con las más hermosas decoraciones y acabados de nuestros muebles de madera y herrería. En Martinica Collection queremos ofrecerte los mejores diseños y piezas únicas para sentir que llevas siempre un pedacito del mundo a tu hogar. Consulta nuestros productos en línea. 

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